60 MINUTES | $60

Age Renewal

Bringing life back into your skin. Clinically rewinding the hands of time to diminish the signs of aging as we utilize peptide packed products to lift and re-firm the skin while giving you the radiant glow you’ve been missing. 

Bubbly Over Bumps

Bumps are such a bummer, aren't they? Let’s turn that frown upside down with this bubbly anti-acne treatment. Turning your skin into a smooth surface that feels good on the daily can be a process, but that process begins here with clinically proven products that clear it up at both the surface level and work to combat the causes beneath. 

Bring on the Bubbly 

Reinvigorate the skin you’re in with the natural element of oxygen. Oxygen facials and products help to increase circulation and thus, increase product absorption and efficacy. An increase in collagen at any age helps to stimulate or rejuvenate the existing collagen base or to instill new production for a more youthful glow.

Detox Facial

Time to de-puff and stuff. Let’s face it, our skin tells us a lot about whats going on in our lives and it holds onto it all like a champ. So, let’s detox and de-puff and show the world how cool, calm and collected we actually are, huh? Combining products that decrease inflammation with the ancient art of cupping to increase lymphatic draining and decrease the toxins held by the facial skin, you will walk out feeling like whole new human.

High & Tight

Show gravity what's UP with this rejuvenating facial. Bring your skin back up where it belongs with all of the tightening products we can pack into one session. Find out the amazing benefits of microcurrent therapy within this facial and walk out holding your head high and skin higher.

It's Your Party (Solo)

For the diva inside, this red carpet facial is especially formulated to help you look and feel like the star that you are. Whether you’re heading out with a group or getting ready for your own solo adventure, we will make sure you do it in style and glow with this facial experience.

More Moisture Packed

An advanced experience into the land of moisture packed skin, because dull and dry is so yesterday. Let us create and customize the experience that will leave your skin so supple, you’ll never want to go back. This facial is packed with products that utilize the body’s own moisture, the moisture in the atmosphere, and the moisture your body produces in order to create an overall, lasting glow.

Really Recover

Even more rest for the busy bubbly gal. Kick back, relax, and let us pamper you with the best in massage we can offer. Leave the studio ready to take on the world with this signature self care facial.